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Why Making A Blog is Essential in Your MLM Business

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MLM Blog Importance

If you own an MLM blog, you own it and no one can take it from you unless otherwise, you’ve decided to discontinue your blog. You have the full control of it and that’s important in branding. You can make use of your blog to connect with people and be an authority in your industry.

I’ve made a post about making an MLM blog. You can read it in the link below.

As a Network Marketer, how does it help you to build your business? Some people who don’t understand the power of internet may see blogging as a waste of time but I totally disagree because we are now into the information age. The Internet is already part of our human life.

Owning a blog will enable you to reach hundreds of thousands potential prospects for your opportunity.

If you want to start your MLM Blog, don’t go for a free blog.

The free blogs platform like the or are a good jumpstart to practice blogging but it doesn’t build up your brand or authority. It is a free one and you don’t have the full control of it in the first place. You can convince no one that your MLM business is BIGTIME if you can’t even afford to have your own hosting. (As we know that making a website or blog needs to buy for the domain name and hosting that is just a minimal amount).

I’ve made a very helpful tutorial how to make a website or blog that I based on how I started. I have no background on web designs and HTML codes but I found it not as complicated as I thought. You too can do it I promise you. Read the tutorial found in the link below.

The Importance of MLM Blog in your Network  Marketing Journey

» You will be different

Most network marketers don’t blog. But do you know that MLM leaders that are well known today do blogging? If none of the distributors in your company are doing the blog, it is your chance to dominate and capture the internet market. You can blog about your products, system as well as your MLM journey. That’s very important as many MLM people are finding mentors and people to follow.

I hope that makes sense.

If you are making a value on the internet and your blogging is consistent, there is no other destination of you but the success spot.

» You will become an authority

Let me clear this again. Building authority means giving value. But how to do this? By means of publishing many informative posts that your readers will find it is very beneficial to read. In MLM industry, you are an authority if you are teaching your strategies to thousands of struggling Networkers searching for motivation, guide, and a mentor on the internet.

Just look at the MLM mentors famous today like Randy Gaze, Eric Wore, and many more people that you always see online with their teachings. They teach that is why people follow them. They are an authority.

They are an Internet Marketer and they Blog. That is one common thing to them.

You don’t have to be like them as you start, You just have to start and have a progress in what you do then you will be great when your time come.

» Your market is not limited to your local place

Every people that go online can possibly find you or even find your work an interesting one. Think of how many internet users go online in every country. Even a 10 years old kid knows how to use the internet nowadays.

» You can attract experienced leaders from other MLM company

I am happy that many MLM people that have an experience in other Network Marketing company are contacting me to know what I do and how they can start their own. Some of them are even interested in working with me and doing blogging too. You can only attract them if you have something different that they know will be beneficial for them. If you are not giving a value and a system, I don’t know if they will work with you. Well, the fact is, they won’t.

» Long time Blog Benefit

Because you own your blog, no one will take it from you. Unless it’s hacked. But it is not the main issue. You will always own it no matter what. Let us put it this way. It is just like you have planted a mango tree that once it started to bear fruits, you will harvest over time and for a long time.

Once your blog already gained authority and age, it will most likely to be ranked by google on the first page for your specific keyword. But only if you learned to optimize your blog.

Traffic means money only if you know how to convert them into customers, downlines or even just a subscribers that keep visiting and following your site. If your visitors and followers are in good numbers, that can mean a good income for you too?

I hope at least I have provided you a good information that you can look at in starting your own MLM blog. If you missed the link to the tutorial I posted above, go here ⇒ How To Create A Website ( Step by Step Guide )

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